Our blueprint to create impactful, ethical climate journalism
However emotive the subject matter, content should be delivered in a way that captures diverse viewpoints, isn’t inappropriately coloured by the views of the reporter or the title, and is free of agenda, save for one: that climate change is happening, and action must be encouraged.
Journalists must source their material ethically and tenaciously, scrutinising their work for ambiguity and producing content that is persuasive yet factually unimpeachable to the highest degree possible.
The blight of climate reporting is that it is happening far away, to someone else. Bring it home to people; make them see why this affects them, too. And show them exactly how little changes made by many can add up to big changes for everyone.
To ensure all our stories follow this blueprint, we have created a set of story tenets called IMERCS. These stipulate that really great climateXchange stories are:
Craft immersive, original content that is affecting and actionable in equal measure – inspires conscious living
Tell stories that linger and create action that becomes habit and impact
Arm your audience to understand ‘why’—and with solutions to make a positive change
Create content that readers can identify with on subjects they engage with in their day-to-day lives. Use familiar frames of reference, numbers that mean something and outcomes anyone can understand
Use balanced, unimpeachable information responsibly told, without agenda, from the best experts available
Design aspirational social-first content that delivers information fast and is amplified easily
Misinformation and distrust both in climate science and journalism is at an all-time high. To build trust with our audiences, climateXchange partners must adhere to its code of practice for responsible reporting. [climateXchange is an initiative of community interest company Syli as such below the entity is referred to as climateXchange/Syli]:
cXc/Syli will not accept stories featuring material containing or subtexts that imply:
In addition, content shared with cXc/Syli must:
Syli takes care to ensure material hosted on the exchange is sourced from reputable
newsrooms—all of whom have entered into an agreement to abide by our Code of Content when authoring. However it is impossible to ensure all information is accurate and against all potential implications arising from local nuances and tastes, subject sensitivities and regional translations. As such Syli cannot accept liability for inaccuracies, libellous or defamatory content, copyright infringement, IP infringement or other legal proceedings that could result from publishing stories sourced from other newsrooms using the exchange. Anyone using content from Syli must:
climateXchange thrives on collaboration and innovative use of its member newsrooms content. It believes that good information finds most resonance when it is optimised to its hosting platform for greatest reach. You may modify elements of the content for this purpose, as long as:
The founding principle of cXc is one of reciprocity. It is a condition of membership that if a partner uses material from the contentXchange, they will reciprocate by contributing content that may be useful to other partners, removing the barriers of cost and logistics that may otherwise preclude coverage of important or globally-resonant local content to audiences beyond borders. Please refer to the Organisation Membership Terms and Conditions for details of uploading and downloading content.
It is important all cXc members abide by this principle of exchange. Failure to do so may result in a review and termination of membership.
cXc hosts content produced by professionals from a range of backgrounds and cultures. Users of cXc content and channels have a right to use the platform in a manner that is professional, safe and supportive. Users are asked to conduct collaboration and communication on these channels in a way that reflects this. When using cXc collaboration and communication channels please:
Any abuse of the channels should be reported to feedback@climatexc.org
If there is a problem with a story on cXc please use your cXc chat channel or email corrections@climatexc.org. If you have feedback, a suggestion or a complaint about the platform please email feedback@climatexc.org.
Our Privacy Notice can be found here.
climateXchange is the inaugural initiative of Syli, a non-for-profit community interest organisation. We are gratefully supported by our generous funders and ask our members not reference any cXc or Syli patrons unless a request for use or mention has been granted. Please contact our commutations team if you have any questions.